(Other-8)-Security Guards
Security Guards
Original from Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
Translated by Tommy(Vicecity)
Security Guards
Appearances: GTA:VC, GTA:VCS
등장하는 시리즈 : GTA:VC, GTA:VCS
The Security guards are divided into two main subsects: Patrol Invest Group (P.I.G.) and DBP Security. Patrol Invest Group, is a security firm that mainly operates as a legitimate security force in Vice City, but they are involved in some illegal protection services. Their "turf," so to speak, are the areas of North Point Mall, Escobar International Airport, Leaf Links Golf Club, and Starfish Island. The P.I.G. appear in missions as hired protection for Congressman Alex Shrub and the band Love Fist. They also attack the Streetwannabes, Vercetti Gang, and the VCPD police officers. DBP Security are a smaller security firm that attempt to move in on some of Tommy Vercetti's protection rackets in Ocean Beach, which prompts him to kill all the guards involved and destroy their office. They also have links to the Vice City Triads, helping them with their illegal money printing operation by providing protection for them. In 1984, in Vice City Stories, the P.I.G. are still seen in the mall or around the airport, but they have not yet established themselves as a gang and haven't turned to crime yet.
Security Guards는 크게 두 주류로 나뉜다: Patrol Invest Group(약칭 P.I.G.)와 DBP Security가 그것이다. Patrol Invest Group은 Vice City에서 합법적인 경비원들을 부리는 보안회사이나, 몇몇 불법적인 보호세 사업에 연관되어 있다. 말하긴 그렇지만 그들의 "구역"은, North Point Mall, Escobar International Airport, Leaf Links 그리고 Love Fist 공연장이다. 또한 그들은 Streetwannabes, Vercetti Gang과 VCPD 경찰관들을 공격한다. DBP Security는 그들(P.I.G.)의 사무실을 파괴하려 했던 좀 더 작은 보안회사이다. 또한 그들은 Vice City Triads와 연줄이 있어서 그들의 불법 지폐인쇄 사업을 돕는 것으로 보호세를 충당한다. 1984년 GTA:VCS에서, P.I.G.는 쇼핑몰이나 공항 근처에서 여전히 보이나, 그들은 "갱"으로서 조직화되지 않았으며 범죄에도 손을 담그지 않았다.
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